Monday, December 5, 2011

Skeletal System

So I attempted another prezi! I tried to make this one a little more interesting and use different things like colors and turning my words. Hope you enjoy!

Here's the link to my prezi:

I wanted to take this time to do a little self anaylsis. I have been really proud of myself this quarter. For the most part I have stayed caught up with my blogs. I didn't let logs pile up and have to rush getting them done at the end of the semester. The most I got behind was getting this blog done. I have also been studying for my quizzes this year, unlike last year in Biology. I have not gotten under a 95% on any of my quizzes this year. I am getting better at using Anatomy class time for Anatomy work. I can still be better at using my time better but I am doing better then I was last semester.( this is a tongue twister I know!) My goal is to get an A for this semester. I think this is possible because I am understanding things better. The notes on the Ipad have really helped me! I feel like it gives me a direction on what information I need to provide. Last year I was always nervous that I wasn't writing the right information that Mr. Ludwig wanted. LJHS something to think about, I think you should supply Ipad's for all of Mr. Ludwig's classes. Just something for our school to think about....

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