So in Anatomy we have been studying the heart! Mr. Ludwig separated us into groups to conduct different experiments about the heart rate. I got into a group with Madison and Ali. Together we created an experiment to see if your emotions affect your heart rate. To show our experiment and our results we put together a poster(seen on the right- Madison is very creative!)! All of our information we put together on the poster but I also put most of the information on this blog as well. Check it out!
Does your emotional state affect your heart rate?
When your emotional state changes from watching different video clips it will affect your heart rate.
-Sad Video~ We believe the heart rate will go up during a sad video because your body gets a certain tension.
-Scary Video~ We believe the heart rate will go up during a scary clip because your adrenaline is pumping and your heart will be beating faster with anticipation.
-Humor Video~ We believe the heart rate will go down because laughing tends to have a calming effect.
-Boredom Video~ We believe the heart rate will go down or stay the same because the body will be relaxing with boredom
-Youtube videos
-Heart Rate Bars
-Graph and Data Collector
-Two girls
-Two boys
1. Establish a base line heart rate.
2. In a private place set up the Heart rate monitor and videos with first person.
3. Play the scary clip while monitoring the persons heart rate to see changes.(each person will watch a different scary clip that they haven't seen before to make sure the real emotion comes out)
4. Play the humorous clip and measure the persons heart rate.
5. Play the sad clip and measure the persons heart rate.
6. Play the boredom clip and measure the persons heart rate.
7. Repeat steps 3-6 on next person. (the clips should be played in a random order so the watcher does not know what to expect.)
8. Continue procedure until every person has gone.
(Our complete set of data is on our poster but here are some examples.)
Nick Standing Rate
Nick Humor
Madison Standing
Madison Humor
During our experiment, each and every one of our test subjects had different changes in heart rates. While watching no video, all of our subjects had changes in heart rate due to movement and other environmental factors, which insured that movement changed heart rate more than their emotions. During our video clip that was supposed to create a bored emotion and leave a stable or decreasing heart rate some of our subjects their heart rates dropped and went back up. In others, they began to rise slightly the entire time. During the video that was supposed to evoke a sad emotion our test subjects also had heart rates that didn't completely make sense according to our hypothesis. During one of our test subjects, the heart rate had an outrageous amount of outliers. The heart rate went up and down constantly. During others, it slowly rose. We also showed videos that we were supposed to evoke a laughing or happy/funny video. Our last video was supposed to make our test subject scared. Our test subjects were also similar and heart rates and all of the heart rates differed slightly. Therefore, we believe that emotions do not control your heart rate as much as we thought. We can conclude that heart rates do not have a factor in your emotions due to our data we gathered.
Well I hope you enjoyed reading about our experiment! It was a lot of fun to conduct! Keep checking back for my last blog! It's going to be a good one! I'll give you a hint!
It is a dissection! and MEOW!
Can you figure it out? Keep checking back!